Saturday, January 8, 2011

LiveBinders and iPod Touch in the Classroom

I've been wanting to post about LiveBinders for quite a bit now. So for today, you're going to get a two-fer. Live Binders is a site which you can use to organize all your on-line resources. It's free (which you KNOW I love!), easy to use, and looks very professional. Even if you don't want to build your own LiveBinder, you can search through others and use theirs. I have gotten lost searching in there. Loads of good stuff!

Speaking of the good stuff...I have a plan hatching in the back of my head. In order to have my plan actually come to fruition, I had to do some research. I have a few sites I enjoy going to first to do my research (and yes, Google is on the top of the list!), one of which is LiveBinder. It was there that I found my next link for you today. It is iPod Touch & iPad Resources. Oh. My. Goodness. I found way more information than I had been hoping for!

BTW - if my plan all comes together, I will be sure to let you know. Knowing me, it will probably culminate in another blog which will then follow the progress of the plan in action. You know - because I don't have enough already.

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