Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The other day I went to view a video from YouTube. I had previewed it - I had connected it to what the objective I wanted to address - I had embedded it into a flipchart.

When it opened the side bar showed some "related" videos. And the comments showed up. None of which were bad or inappropriate, but it very easily could've been. I had gotten in the habit of using zamzar for those video clips I wanted to embed into a prezi or save for future use, I've also been using my YouTube channel in the classroom to show only the content I have vetted as appropriate. However - when I made this flipchart on the spot I just linked to YouTube.

This got me thinking. And searching. And I found a very useful site called ViewPure that allows me to view clips without all the distracting sidebar content and viewer comments (which lets face it - no matter how educational the subject matter they are not always appropriate!

If you use YouTube in your classroom I would urge you to check out the ViewPure website - it's easy to use, quick in the classroom, and best of all...FREE!

1 comment:

Mrs. Steen said...

Thanks so much for the info Sally! You are always so resourceful and discover cool and interesting websites along the way.