Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Figure This - A Math Challenge

I'm not even going to tell you how long my son and I worked on some various problems from this site. I'll give you a hint, though....too long. Way too long.

Those of you that know me may know I have been diligently working on my mathematical prowess. I'm like a human calculator.

With that in mind, when I saw this site: Figure This, I knew I was up for the challenge. There are math problems for all of the areas of mathematics: algebra, geometry, measurement, number, and statistics and probability.

The challenges are separated into the above named mathematical areas. Many of the areas overlap (such as challenge #8, which I totally got right!) which shows the relationships in the field of mathematics. All of the challenges are also printable.

In addition to being a fun family challenge, I could see this as being a very good bellringer or center activity. And, as always - free!

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